Floyd County Political News--January 16, 2009
The Floyd County Board of Supervisors meets twice in the month of January. The first meeting was an organizational meeting held on Tuesday evening, January 6, 2009. At that meeting David Ingram was re-elected chairman of the BOS and Jerry Boothe was elected vice-chairman. The meeting date will continue to be the second Tuesday beginning at 8:30 A.M.
On January 13, 2009 the Floyd County Board of Supervisors met at the county administration building. Wendell Peters, clerk of the circuit court, addressed the BOS concerning budget preparation and the increased workload in his office. For example, criminal cases are up 19% and applications for concealed handguns are up 77 %. He said that a 10% cut in his budget would be a hardship and some functions would have to be curtailed. He asked the Board permission to carry over approximately $28,000.
During the public comment time five individuals from the Floyd County Humane Society spoke to the BOS. They essentially asked the BOS to reconsider the involvement of the humane society at the animal shelter. Later in the meeting, Jerry Boothe requested that the humane society involvement be brought back for discussion. A committee consisting of Dan Campbell, Jerry Boothe, Cathy Shaut, another member of the humane society and the animal control officer will meet to work through suggestions and concerns. A report will be made to the Board in February.
Carl Ayers, director of the Floyd County Department of Social Services, highlighted agency activities:
1. Energy assistance--518 applications (15% increase over 2007), with average household benefit of $553.48.
2.Medicaid--1844 (unduplicated count) individuals served.
3. Virginia is cutting the State, Local Hospitalization Program (SLH)--loss of $70,000 to Floyd County.
4. No suggested changes in the Comprehensive Services Act.
5. DSS not slated to lose positions.
Dennis Anderson, forester, gave the BOS a heads-up as to gypsy moth infestation. He said there are no government programs as to spraying or cost sharing. The third year of infestation has the greatest effect on the tree but this is cyclical. He said the process follows a natural ebb and flow.
Dr. Terry Arbogast, Floyd County Schools' Superintendent, stated that the current enrollment is 2,046.5. He also gave the results of the Fall 2008 SOL Tests (FCHS). These excellent scores are from half the student body (the other half will test Spring, 2009) and the pass rate ranges from 79% to 98% per subject area.
Bob Beasley, VDoT Residency Coordinator, continues to see budgetary constraints on the state transportation system as very serious. Possibly a federal stimulus package will create jobs and improve the interstate highway system. Currently there is a public hearing in Floyd concerning Floyd County roads on the evening of February 10th at the Floyd County Administration Building.
Other items before the Board are as follows:
1. A letter from Charles Poindexter, member of the House of Delegates representing Floyd County, requested that the Board suggest state mandates that can be eliminated /suspended temporarily.
2. Donald K. Thomas of Wingate Appraisal Service was appointed to serve as Floyd Count's professional assessor.
3. Korene Thompson, town manager of the Town of Floyd, gave an update on progress toward completion of projects.
4. Kenny Bartlett, Steve Love and Myra Grim reported on rescue squad activities.
5. Ford Wirt, emergency services coordinator, stated that the regional jail addition is on schedule toward completion.
Thanks for the updates. We appreciate your dedication to the Board and the citizens of Floyd County.
Mike Sowder
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