Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Floyd County Political News

After seven months on the Board of Supervisors I have decided that a blog may be the best way to communicate with you, the citizens of Floyd County. Much of the time during the winter and early spring was spent on the budget process; however, plans were also being made for a Motor Vehicle Tax/Fee Ordinance Amendment and Transient Occupancy Tax Ordinance ( tax on motels, hotels and bed and breakfasts in the county--Town of Floyd already has this tax). After public hearings, advertisements and the usual tweakings, both of these measures were approved at our meeting on July 8, 2008.

Early on Tuesday morning a request was made to spend $7934 for advertisements for Floyd County in two major publications that promote tourism. My motion to expend these monies ($30,000 budgeted for tourism) died for lack of a second. After learning that our web site linked to the publication received 3614 hits last year, the issue of spending the money was brought up again. My motion received a second and passed unanimously. It is hoped this action will lay the foundation for the promotions that will be possible from the Transient Occupancy Tax that will become effective on 1/1/09 (3% of the 5% tax must be spent on promoting tourism for Floyd County).

On Tuesday morning there was a presentation on the Floyd Community and Wellness Center by John Getgood. This group is planning a center that will include a pool, gym, walking track and many other amenities. One reason for this presentation to the Board relates to land that the county owns in the old industrial park (near Hollingsworth and Vose) that would be a great location for the Floyd Community and Wellness Center. This center, modeled after the Carroll Wellness Center, would be such an asset to the citizens of Floyd County that I support it wholeheartedly.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I found this blog via Blue Ridge Muse. It's a great idea...thanks! And for the record, I'd love to see a wellness center in Floyd.

July 20, 2008 at 7:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Bill,

Likewise, I found the site via Blue Ridge Muse and think it's a great idea.

Could you link to a set of accounts for the county? It's unfair to ask people if they want money spent on something without putting it in context. If you spend money advertising for the local tourist industry or providing competition to the Floyd Fitness Center, I would like to know what I'm giving up for it--road maintenance, deputy sheriff salaries, or higher taxes.

My general instinct is that, since government is institutionalized force, it is immoral and inefficient to compel people to pay taxes for services they could be (and sometimes already are) providing voluntarily to each other. Stop thinking, "there ought to be a law" and start thinking, "we ought to start a business".

So I would prefer it if you don't spend my tax money on advertising. The local tourist industry can choose to pool their resources to promote themselves, and perhaps raise their rates by the 5% amount of the proposed Transient Occupancy Tax to cover their investment.

And no, please don't spend my tax money on building a Community and Wellness Center. Perhaps you can provide a link to John Getgood's website. I think it would be wonderful if he joins the community of private businesses in Floyd so we can support him voluntarily.

Public Choice Theory teaches that when benefits are concentrated and costs diffuse, the Supervisors will generally come to the conclusion to spend more money. It could be worth $8000 for the owner of a tourist venue to show up at the meeting to promote the advertising plan. It probably isn't worth the 50 cents it will cost each resident for them to defend their property against a tax increase. By this method, we can expect four or five new spending proposals each week and our taxes can go up by $100 each year.

By providing this blog, you are making it easier for Floyd County taxpayers to keep tabs on spending proposals. I truly appreciate this tool you are giving us and hope that you continue to keep us informed.


Mark Thomas
Indian Valley

July 21, 2008 at 1:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was excited to hear that Floyd is considering a wellness center such as the one in Hillsville. The town could benefit drastically from this facility. Also, SWAT which is now affiliated with the Hokie (new team name H2okies) could benefit by providing coaches for a local swim team. This could help with costs associated with the pool. Having a HS swim team will also make our school system more favorable to newcomers. I know for a fact that SWAT has pais out over 10,000 a year for "swim time" at teh aquatic center in B'Burg. I have traveled to blacksburg for 8 years in order to provide my son the opportunity to swim with a local swim team. Think of all the money I spend out of county ...this would keep my $ in the county...helping with our local economy. Also, hosting of swim meets would bring some MAJOR money and visitors to Floyd. I only hope our town does not "hem haw" over this for too long. My son will be a Freshman in 2 years and swimming is a Varsity sport (meaning 4 years of eligibility). So, if I'm looking for scholarship $....he needs to swim HS by then. A pool could benefit our town in so many ways. Contact Jay Newman at for more info on how a pool in our community would be a huge benefit/asset. Jay is the current president of the H2okies.

September 7, 2008 at 8:11 PM  

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