Thursday, November 20, 2008

Floyd County Political News

Two presentations to the Floyd County Board of Supervisors on Tuesday (11/18/08) brought disturbing news about state budget issues in regard to funds targeted for social services and transportation. Carl Ayers, director of the Floyd County Department of Social Services, said no more cuts are expected this year; however, a deeper (15%) cut will be made in 2009. Bob Beasley, VDOT residency administrator, reviewed "A Blueprint--VDOT Response to a Declining Economy."This document speaks to VDOT scaling back activities with safety as the first priority across the Commonwealth; however, services will be reduced and probability is that road conditions in the future will not be as good as they are today. Northern Virginia and Tidewater have the bulk of the traffic and much of the remaining monies will be focused on those areas. This is not good news for Southwest Virginia and, particularly Floyd County, where roads are substandard or below.

No action was taken by the Board to change what is currently in place in regard to the vehicle license/decal fee overlap. A discussion of the matter revealed it is almost impossible to do an abatement because of various contingencies. I asked that the fee for 2009 be reduced on a one time only basis. No action was taken on this suggestion.

A Memorandum of Understanding between the Floyd County Humane Society and the County of Floyd was reviewed. It seemed that the agreement needed minor tweaking and it is hoped that this issue can be resolved in December.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope the MOU with the Humane Society does not pass. I urge you to vote no. This will cause many problems for Floyd County and liability issues.

November 21, 2008 at 4:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What!? Why? Are you an animal hater? Bucky has been fired and it will take time to hire a replacemtn ACO. These Humane Society folks are good people and will be thoroughly trained by Joyce. What is the problem you have with this?

November 24, 2008 at 4:43 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The HS only has one agenda and in a budget crisis such as we are in the County does not need to spend extra money to keep an animal alive when that money is needed to help hungry families in Floyd.
Training is another issue along with liability issues. HS does not need to be at the dog pound.

November 27, 2008 at 4:33 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Really? You may be surprised to find out that most people consider their pets as members of their family. Apparently you are not one of those people. Actually, getting pets spayed/neutered is one of the main goals of the Humane Society. That would cut down on the number of unwanted animals that cost the county money. I hope you don't, but if you have pets, are they spayed or neutered?

December 4, 2008 at 5:15 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I do have pets and they are spayed and neutered. I keep a perspective that human basic essential needs come before an animal. If an individual wants to elevate an animal to human levels they have that right. However, when taxpayer dollars and Government decide to to elevate an animal to that level I have a problem. People need help in the present economical condition's and they don't need to compete for money with animals. Things have become so out of whack. Do what you wish with your animals, but do not use my tax dollars for it and deny basic essentials to needy families. Get your priorities in order.
Loretta it is a shame you cannot discuss an issue without attacking the person with a different opinion.I have animals and they are well taken care of. Maybe I should say to you, if you have kids, which I hope you don't, are their needs put above the animals?

December 8, 2008 at 3:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't see where Loretta attacked you, Mr/Ms Anonymous, but you certainly attacked her in a very unchristian way. How sad it is that you feel the need to throw stones at others while hiding behind that cloak of anonymity. I applaud your desire to help the families and children of the county; however, you don't need to be hurtful to those of us who do care about the welfare of God's four-legged creatures, as well.

I don't think it is an either/or situation. No one takes food or other necessities away from people for animals. If people donate money to the HS or to the pound, then that money should be used in those places.

I don't see the 'many problems' that will be created by the MOU. Let the volunteers work where they like to ease the suffering of the animals. Feel free to volunteer where ever you wish Mr/Ms Anonymous and let us volunteer where we choose. The county is large enough for us all to help in our own way.

December 10, 2008 at 10:30 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks to the three who voted no. Shame on you Bill, you didn't listen to your constituents.

December 12, 2008 at 4:06 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shame on the three of you who voted no. Thanks so much to those who let common sense rule and voted for it. If you own any kind of pet, love on it a little extra today and think of those others in the Pound who will die today. This is so not over.

December 12, 2008 at 11:39 AM  

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