Floyd County Political News ( April 14 and 16, 2009)
The regular meeting of the Floyd County Board of Supervisors was on April 14, 2009 with a light agenda but a full day meeting. Terri Morris reported to the BOS that we are 75% through the fiscal year with the general fund at 71% and expenses at 72%. In other words we are exactlly where we need to be budget-wise.
Carl Ayers, Director of Social Services, gave the final numbers on energy assistance.There were 518 fuel applications, an increase of 17% over 2008. In March there was a slowing of food stamp and TANF applications.
Dr. Arbogast, Floyd County Schools superintendent, gave the BOS a copy of the school board, approved school calendar for 2009-10. Dr. Arbogast discussed the state graduation rate with the board. Floyd County High School meets state and national standards with an on-time graduation rate of 82.7% (students graduating with an advanced or regular studies diploma). Dr. Arbogast stated that "the goal is to graduate everyone."
Bob Beasley, VDOT, shared with the BOS the 6-year plan for road construction in Floyd County. There will be a public hearing on this plan on Tuesday, May 12th at 7:00PM at the Floyd County Administration Building.
Other information brought before the BOS follows:
1. Mike Maslaney made the BOS aware of the Earth Day program at FCHS on Saturday, April 18th beginning at 9:30AM.
2. Don Johnson, representing the Floyd County Volunteer Rescue Squad, reminded the BOS that this is the fourth consecutive year the board has not contributed toward the purchase of a new ambulance.
3. On a third motion motion $500 was approved as a contribution for the Floyd Town Jubilee scheduled for June 20, 2009. This money will come from the tourism promotion line in the county budget.
4. The BOS gave the Floyd County Sheriff's department permission to apply for a grant to fund one resource officer for the next three years to work in Floyd County's four elementary schools.
A public hearing on Floyd County's budget for fiscal year 2010 was held on Thursday, April 16, 2009. The total budget is $31, 004,660 as opposed to 2009 at $31,995,860. The hearing began at 7:00PM and was over at 7:20PM. Final approval of the budget will occur at a later date; however, the bottom line cannot be raised above the amount stated ($31,004,660). The real estate tax assessment will remain this year at $0.55.
Another strategic planning session of the BOS will be held on April 27, 2009 from 4:00 until 7:00PM with the lcation to be announced.
A small budget item to notice: Floyd's VDH budget was cut $7k by request of the NRV Business Manager.
Ms McDaniel's action actually results in a $21k reduction in funding due to the matching funds arrangement with Richmond.
Most residents do not realize the benefit to residents which affects the permitting inspection and record keeping of septic and well construction, contagious disease control, food safety education and monitoring and other public health services.
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