Motor Vehicle License Tax and Fee
A question was asked about the period of time that the Motor Vehicle License Tax and Fee covers. When one pays the fee in December, 2008 it will be good through December 31, 2009.
A question was asked about the period of time that the Motor Vehicle License Tax and Fee covers. When one pays the fee in December, 2008 it will be good through December 31, 2009.
The following comments came from the County Administrator's office and give some clarification regarding the motor vehicle license tax and fee. The main issue involves the fact that the local license tax was applied to vehicles "titled" in the county as opposed to vehicles with a current registration and license plate. To correct the problem the treasurer will utilize a state DVM list of registered and licensed vehicles in order to remit the license fee for vehicles that are "titled" only. Customers will not be charged the local license fee for vehicles that are not registered/licensed for operation on the streets and highways of the county. If a customer has already made payment on a"titled" only vehicle then a refund will be provided.
In most communities, large or small, volunteerism is vital to the day to day lives of its citizens. Volunteerism takes many forms---serving on boards or committees, distributing groceries through food banks in churches, volunteering for fire and/or rescue squad, and giving transportation for doctor appointments or treatments. With the cost of fuel volunteerism is becoming much more of a sacrifice; however, our citizens do not seem less willing to serve.
Although government involvement is needed to regulate citizen participation in some areas, it should not be burdensome or delay implementation. Examples abound in Floyd. It has taken two years for amateur radio operators to develop an agreement with the county in order to be a back-up for emergency services. A committed band of volunteers stand ready to give time at the animal shelter to help solve problems related to unwanted dogs and cats. How long will it take to write the Memorandum of Understanding and get it approved?
Trails in Floyd, a volunteer group, is trying to develop a walking and biking trail around the Town of Floyd. In the future there are plans for more extensive trail systems. The Recreational Authority and the Town of Floyd have refused to hold the easement through the park and now the county has been asked to take that responsibility. With grant money in hand to work on the trail,Trails in Floyd should not have to suffer long delays until the Board of Supervisors can decide whether or not to grant their request.
Marty Holliday made the Board aware of GED Day in Floyd County slated for 10/15/08. The Adult Education Center located near the water tank serves 40-50 people per year. Watch the Floyd Press for more information about this event.
The BOS approved a grant that will initiate a pesticide container recycling program. John Vest, County extension agent for agriculture, will oversee this program which concludes on 12/31/08. Depending on the availability of federal monies, the grant may be available in 2009.
All agencies and local governments that receive state revenue are very concerned about state funding cuts slated for October or November. Both Dr. Arbogast, school superintendent, and Bob Beasley from VDOT alluded to these cuts. Mr. Beasley said he has prepared plans for funding cuts of 5%, 10% and 15%. He also said that the same financial difficulties are at the federal level and these cuts will have a definite impact on road projects.
The BOS also took care of the following agenda items:
1. Approved a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between emergency services and amateur radio operators and authorized Ford Wirt to sign it.
2. Approved a policy on Internet Use and Safety.
3. Asked Dan Campbell, county administrator, to continue to talk with Floyd Community and Wellness Center and with the Floyd County Humane Society.
4. Approved a contract with Wingate Appraisal for the general reassessment. The contract will terminate on 12/31/09.