Thursday, June 11, 2009

Floyd County Political News (6/11/09)

The monthly meeting of the Floyd County Board of Supervisors on June 9, 2009 was long, lasting from 8:30 AM until 6:00 PM with a break for lunch. Donald Hart, president of the Virginia Association of Counties brought greetings to the BOS from VaCo. It is his goal as president to visit all 95 counties in the state. He particularly stressed efforts of VaCo to see that the General Assembly not pass unfunded mandates and to work for the equalization of towns, cities and counties.

Carl Ayers, director of Floyd County Department of Social Services, told the BOS that he is submitting comments to be read at the public hearing at Wytheville Community College on July 1, 2009 related to the 13% increase in electric power rates. This rate increase on the back of a 19% increase last year is particularly hard on DSS clients and Floyd County citizens as a whole. Since written comments are due by June 23rd, a letter will also be drafted for the BOS related to the rate hike.

Dr. Terry Arbogast, Floyd County Schools superintendent, brought the preliminary spring SOL test scores. These scores are excellent for all schools and are a tribute to the hard work of students, parents and all school personnel concerned.

Dr. Arbogast also made the BOS aware of additional federal stimulus monies coming to the county in the amount of $730,516. This money is to be spent over the next two years and is specific to Title I Reading ($229,031), Title II($11325), Title VI-B (preschool $15,967) and IDEA (special education $474,193). He asked that this money be reappropriated to the school system and to be included in the FY 10 budget (school budget $21, 786, 471).

A few months ago there was a discussion about the ambulance billing policy. A motion was passed to only accept the amount of money coming from private and public insurers. Effective June 9, 2009 there is to be no private billing or calls by billing companies to private citizens.

Early on Tuesday morning Shannon Zeman, sheriff of Floyd County, appeared before the BOS to ask that $21,488 be restored to his budget. This reduction , along with cuts to several other programs was made in May. This was done in order to meet the required restoration of $65,00 + to the state coffers. Sheriff Zeman said the cut would compromise services and it would be difficult to retain part-time officers.

At the end of the day, when considering the overall FY 10 budget, fund reductions came up again. Several ideas were floated to restore funds to offices, including the sheriff's department, but none were approved. In the end the BOS adopted a budget in the amount of $31,538,458 and approved the real estate tax rate at $.55 (no change from 2009).

The meeting was adjourned until June 29, 2009 at 7:00 PM at the Floyd County Administration Building. At this meeting the fiscal year will be closed out by approving carry-over funds and final bills.
