Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Floyd County Political News--3/2/10

Since the February meeting of the Floyd County Board of Supervisors there have been several meetings on the budget for 2010-2011. Hard decisions have been made related to maintaining, cutting or or totally curtailing programs. The one unknown at the present time is the state's contribution to public education in Floyd. Supposedly, this will be known by March 13th but it is estimated the cuts will range from $1.6 to 2.1 million.

The draft budget shows real estate collection at the same level as the current budget. Based upon the grand total increase in the real estate valuation it appears that the the real estate tax levy will stay within the $0.44 or $0.45 per $100 valuation. Because of state cuts in education of $1.6 to 2.1 million to Floyd County and the BOS reluctance to increase local effort toward the schools, education in Floyd County will suffer. In addition without increased local revenue safety issues raised by the sheriff and commonwealth's attorney cannot be met, other constitutional offices cannot be supplemented and funding to many agencies that are vital to our well-being must be cut or eliminated. Finally, this budget is not addressing reduction of the debt the county incurs each year to keep the local government operating.

How much longer can Floyd County make the minimum effort? Once the economic downturn passes, how will Floyd County, already behind from years of sub-par funding, catch up?