Floyd County Political News---3/10/09
The Floyd County Board of Supervisors (BOS) met on March 10, 2009. There were not many action items; however, there was a full agenda for the day.
Carl Ayers, director, Floyd County Department of Social Services, reported a continued increase in applications for energy assistance, food stamps, Medicaid and TANF.
John McEnhill, president, Floyd County Chamber of Commerce, commented that 2009 is the 20th anniversary of the chamber and that it has 213 members. The chamber office is open six days per week and has approximately 90 walk-in visitors per month. He stated that the chamber web site received 18,864 visits in 2008.
Some time was spent on landfill issues. The department of environmental quality (DEQ) is concerned about the discharge of organic compounds from the closed facility. No levels of discharge have been detected since 2006 but DEQ would like to see additional wells ($15,000 per well) drilled. There will be a sampling event in May, 2009 from existing wells. Mike Lawless of Draper-Aden addressed the BOS. He will monitor these activities, advise the BOS on future actions and help with appropriate communication to DEQ.
Dr. Arbogast, superintendent, Floyd County Schools, gave the BOS a draft of the 2009-10 school calendar. He also made the BOS aware of an academic opportunity for elementary students accelerated or advanced in mathematics. Countywide these students will be able to take algebra 1 second semester of seventh grade. If students meet certain criteria, acceleration will begin at the sixth grade level.
Bob Beasley, VDoT resident engineer, reviewed the VDoT blueprint. Essentially it consists of three tenets:
1. Reduce road construction, streamline resources, personnel and close the Hillsville headquarters.
2.Eliminate shops in Floyd and Carroll--in Floyd the headquarters will be at Willis and Check.
3.Floyd County will probably be a part of a residency with Montgomery, Pulaski and Giles with headquarters in Christiansburg.