Floyd County Political News
The October 14th meeting of the Floyd County Board of Supervisors was somewhat shorter than usual, mainly because there was no executive session. During the public comment period a citizen addressed the issue of the vehicle license fee and the four month overlap (December 15th-April 15th) in fees. Later the BOS discussed this issue with the Treasurer and the Commissioner of Revenue. Although this is a one time problem and the ordinance says no proration of fees, this item will be back on the agenda in November hopefully for a resolution.
The business plan for the Floyd Community Wellness Center Project was submitted to the Board as information. Three to five acres are needed for the center. The center is interested in property that is owned by the BOS that is located in the old industrial park.
Carl Ayers, Director of the Floyd County Department of Social Services, stated that state budget cuts will not have impact on local programs at present. With the current economic situation, DSS has the greatest increase in request for services since 2005. DSS will be accepting applications for heating assistance (average benefit $244) through November 10th.
Dee Wallace, representing Trails in Floyd, presented a proposed memorandum of understanding between Floyd County and Trails in Floyd. There are still several wrinkles to be worked out and Trails will continue to be an agenda item.
Dawn Barnes, Virginia Cooperative Extension, informed the BOS that hiring the 4-H position for Floyd has been placed on hold. She asked that Floyd County consider increasing its commitment to this position. The request is for Floyd county to contribute 40% of the salary (Floyd has been contributing 33.34%). She implied that Floyd County will have a better chance of getting an agent if this is done. The Board did approve increasing hours for existing personnel in order to provide 4-H activities during the interim without an agent.
Other business before the Board included the following:
1. Approved a proclamation making October Poverty Awareness Month.
2.Set a public hearing for 11/18/08 @3:00PM on plan to change the name Industrial Development Authority to Economic Development Authority.
3. Approved a resolution to change the November of the BOS to the third Tuesday November18, 2008)